Antrim Camogie
Cumann Camógaíochta Aontroma

O'Neill's partnership with Antrim Camogie celebrated with a Club Hub instance

27th February 2025

We are excited to announce our partnership with O'Neill's for our playing and leisure merchandise. To celebrate this partnership, and for the duration of two weeks, O'Neill's have popped up a 'Club Hub', where you can purchase merchandise at reduced rates. We know you'll be excited to access the Club Hub but please bear in mind the following:

* If you have used the Club Hub before, you will either need to use a NEW email address or contact O'Neill's directly so that they can accommodate your existing email.

*Closing date for the Club Hub will on the 14th March, so please order and buy before the cut off.

*Registration link for new customers:

*Login link for returning customers:

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out more about sizes before I place my order?

When you access the Club Hub page, under the product description you will find a link "O'Neills size guides' that when clicked, opens up additional information related to sizes.

I see you have a white and green skort, which one is relevant for my team?

Our senior panel recently held a poll, which asked which colour of skort they would like to wear. The answer was a unanimous selection of white. The executive have listened and respected this desire, so white is available in the Club Hub. Our Minors play in white because this is the current provision, whilst the underage teams are now starting to wear green. We expect green as a preference to move up the age groups over the coming years and will always respond to players future requirements.

When I place an order for an item, it asks for the players name and club. Will this appear on the merchandise?

No, this will be used as an address to send the merchandise to a club contact with your name as the reference. There are drop down boxes though for initials and when these appear, this is where you can record your preferred initials.

When will I see my order?

Depending on what you've order, delivery can take between 3 - 6 weeks. Your merchandise will come to the County first, and then sent on to your club where you can pick it up.

When is the closing date for the Club Hub?

The Club Hub will close on the 14th March so best to avoid disappointment and get your orders in ahead of that. We will be doing a countdown reminder, which we hope will prove beneficial.

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